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Fleas are a common problem; especially on properties with pets such as cats or dogs. They are also frequently found when moving into a property that previously had pets.

Because they are parasites, the biggest problem with having fleas in your home or business is their bites. Although flea bites are not painful, they can result in an uncomfortable itch or rash. Pets can also develop allergies to flea saliva.

How to identify a flea problem

If you are concerned about fleas, watch out for the following signs of a flea problem:

  • Pet signs - pets that are constantly scratching or biting their fur could indicate the presence of fleas.

  • Live fleas - can you see fleas crawling on your pet’s coat? They are normally reddish-brown and about 2mm long.

  • Inspect carefully - check the hindquarters of your dog or the head and neck of your cat. These are the areas that fleas prefer and where you might spot the signs of flea activity.

  • Flea droppings - carefully look at your pet’s skin for fine black droppings. This is ‘flea dirt’ or adult flea faeces and looks like ground black pepper. A good way to spot it is to use a flea comb over a sheet of white paper, which makes it easier to see the small black specks.

  • Other areas - another sign of a problem is flea dirt on pet bedding, carpets or rugs.

Checking for flea eggs

Flea eggs are tiny (only about 0.5mm long), oval and white. This makes them almost impossible to see against rough surfaces and materials.

Even though fleas lay their eggs on your pet’s body, they won’t stay there. Eggs easily fall off and can become hidden in carpets, rugs, bedding or gaps between floorboards.

Have you spotted the above signs of a flea problem? Rentokil will provide expert flea treatment solutions for your home or business. Contact us to set up an appointment.

How to get rid of fleas in your home

A flea problem can occur through no fault of your own. Pets can pick up fleas from other animals or places and they will hitch a ride back home. Once they arrive, you’ll want to get rid of fleas fast.

If you have caught the flea infestation in its early stages, here are a few things you can do:

  • Vacuum carpets and furnishings where pets sleep to remove adult fleas, eggs and their larvae. Also be sure to vacuum around these areas, such as floors, furniture and carpets. Use the strongest suction possible, that will not damage the fabric. The larvae feed on adult flea faeces and other organic matter, which collects in things like carpets and rugs. Removing this source of food is an important step in controlling a flea problem.  
  • Be sure to empty the vacuum cleaner away from your house or workplace as fleas will still be alive.
  • Shake or beat rugs and pet bedding outdoors so that fleas and eggs fall off. Take care when transferring bedding, rugs, etc, to avoid spreading flea eggs.
  • Wash pet bedding every week on a hot wash cycle - ideally at above 50°C - to kill fleas.
  • Consider placing pet beds in areas without carpets, such as wooden floors.
  • If your pet seems to experience discomfort, your local veterinarian would be able to recommend a flea spray, powder or medication to get rid of fleas as part of a treatment programme.

If not treated rapidly, flea problems can quickly affect your business. Not only will staff find working in your premises intolerable, but customers might also stay away. You could lose revenue and end up with damage to your reputation.

By contacting Rentokil to get rid of fleas at your workplace, you can have the peace of mind that the infestation will be dealt with thoroughly, safely and effectively.

Our skilled pest control technicians understand all the problems associated with dealing with different types of fleas. We provide discreet, tailored solutions and flea control advice, so your problem is solved without disrupting your business.

Professional flea control solutions

By implementing the above tips to deal with a flea infestation, you can help to prevent a flea problem from escalating. For heavier cases of infestation, a professional flea control solution is recommended to ensure complete control of the infestation:

  • 1 - Your local pest control expert will arrange a convenient time with you for a full and thorough inspection of your premises.

  • 2 - They will recommend a flea control treatment plan based on your infestation, and give you a cost to put the plan into action.

  • 3 - Once you’ve approved the price, your expert will arrange times for a technician to visit and sort out your flea problem. You may need several visits depending on the treatment.

  • 4 - On the first visit, the technician will run through the flea treatment process before the work begins.

  • 5 - We’ll also give you flea control advice on how to make sure your flea problem doesn’t come back.

Contact Rentokil to arrange an appointment. We’ll help you to get rid of fleas in your home and business and prevent fleas in the future.

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