Features of Initial's Deep Cleaning Treatment
- Initial uses natural, specially formulated preparations that eliminate harmful pathogens, organic deposits, malodour and scale.
- Our descaling & degreasing preparations have been specially developed to achieve maximum results, without risk to the user or the environment.
- Our deep cleaning preparations are safe for use with septic tanks, and are non-caustic, ensuring that they are safe for all surfaces and will not damage fittings and finishes.
- Initial supplies an antimicrobial NRCS registered disinfectant detergent surface spray (Pine Fresh) for use between services. Full training is provided to your daily cleaners and use of Pine Fresh maintains high risk touch surfaces in the washroom hygienically clean and drastically reduces cross contamination risks for users in between scheduled deep clean services
- Initial can also supply you with a bio-enzyme / friendly bacteria washroom cleaner spray (Eco-spray) for use in-between services - in place of potentially harmful and costly traditional disinfectant bathroom cleaning agents. Full training is provided to your daily cleaners and the use of Eco-spray which ensures a continual presence of; odour, scale, buildup and bacteria reducing friendly bacteria in all washroom units and inside waste pipework
- The initial deep clean services utilises HACCP grade cleaning equipment to minimise the risk of cross contamination
- Deep cleaning treatments are delivered by Initial’s trained technicians